Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Put out with Pokemon!

I need to beef up the security of my Mom Cave. Our younger son has figured me out, and he has now decided that he can happily dart from his spot in the family to MY HALLOWED PLACE in MY MOM CAVE. It's such an assault! Here, it is quiet. I have fish that I feed. I have a window. Some days, my imaginary spa boy is here (giggle).

But then, CRASH! BAM! BOOM!

"Mamma! I've evolved!!!" he says happily.

If you think he's talking about his real self, well, don't hold your breath.

"My Charmander is now a Charmeleon!!!" He's so happy that his face is turning red. "Isn't that GREAT?!"

Not really. I don't even know what he has said. He's been taken over by another person. My live-in foreign exchange student from the Land of Pokemon. I don't speak Pokemon. Uuuugh, and I really don't care to speak Pokemon.

"That's great, buddy," I said. "I'll be out in a minute." Liar, liar, pants on fire. I'm feeling cranky and territorial. My Cave. Not his.

I don't know when Pokemon took over this kid. One day, he saw a stuffed Pokemon character. The next thing I know, he is literally incapable of having a normal conversation. He's living in that world, not ours. And, while I know that Pokemon holds an attraction for many little boys his age, all I can say is that for a little boy with high functioning autism, the obsession is astounding.

His conversational skill left much to be desired before Pokemon. He really didn't enjoy anyone's input in what he had to say. Now, he is simply screaming excitedly all of these foreign facts and names ALL DAY LONG. When I take the handheld games away, he invents them with characters or draws them on paper. Don't bother packing a bag. This kid has already left town.

One saving grace is that there is a local organization in our area for parents/families to autism that sponsors and electronics kids club. Since there is a subset of kids with autism that focuses so highly on electronics and their games, this club takes that strength and uses it as a basis for building social skills. I wish it were offered more than once a week. I wish they offered a summer camp. Oh, how I wish somewhere there could be some intense detox program...but...baby steps. Teaching social skills within a comfortable environment is a way to show children like our younger son that real and productive human interaction can be a positive thing. Our son sure does love that club.

I think I'm going to bring out the iPod today. My nerves are wearing very thin on this Chimchar chatter. It isn't even noon, and I have a looooong day ahead. With a younger son that talks too much and an older son who is basically nonverbal, a mommy has to find little ways to keep her cool!


  1. Oh Amy, I can so sympathise! Two of my kids were obsessed with Pokemon. I didn't have a flamin' clue, but I did know I spent so much money on cards, games and toys that I could have had a holiday home in Switzerland by now! When Harry Potter came out I went through it all over again as my third girl was (and remains at the ripe old age of 19) fanatical! There is one tiny glimmer of light.... One day, when they are no longer obsessed with Beanie Babies (went through that one too), Pokemon and Potter, all those things we bought and they so lovingly preserved in their original packaging will be worth a fortune and we might get that holiday home yet! *Hugs to you and your boys*

  2. I'm cranky. lol! When younger son used to ask me if I wanted to see blabbity blah or thisity that, I feigned interest. Now, I'm flat out saying that I don't want to see it. I'm not interested. He has fried my brain on Pokemon! Then he tell me, "Ok. (sigh) I guess you will go through the day without seeing it then."

    Yeah, I'm gonna cry about THAT ONE all day, too!! (NOT!)
